Graduate! Highline is a community movement focused on increasing graduating rates in Highline Public Schools. We raise funds to support Highline Public School programs that show impact on student success. Since the program launched in 2015, graduation rates have increased from 70. 3 percent to 83.8%. You can join the movement to support our students.

We are grateful to have a community that supports our schools. We continue to ignite a community-wide effort around our students. Our vision is to bring together parents and educators with community, civic, and philanthropic leaders to make sure that Highline Schools Foundation has the resources that they need to graduate 100% of Highline Public School students prepared for the future that they choose. Funds raised by Highline Schools Foundation are provided to Highline Public Schools to fund innovative programs that help our students graduate prepared for the future that they choose. Together, we can make this happen.
Projects Supported with Graduate! Highline Funding
Internships provide students with workplaces experiences to grow and learn about various careers they may want to pursue. All Highline internships have position descriptions, learning objectives, as well as start and end dates. Graduate! Highline provides internships stipends so that students who need to earn funds can still participate in this program. Current internship sites include: Highline Medical Center, King County Police Explorers, Seattle Children’s Hospital and many others. To learn more about Highline’s internship program, click HERE.
CollegeCon is a one-day event where students and their families can engage in interactive workshops about college and career pathways, how to apply and pay for college and more. Seniors and families are also provided with help in completing scholarship applications and FAFSA/WAFSA forms. Transportation is provided to and from the high schools so that students and families can participate. We also provide breakfast, lunch and childcare for participants as well as interpreters in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Somali.
Project Finish Line
Each year, there are a couple dozen students in Highline Public Schools that get to the end of their senior year and are one credit or less away from graduation. Project Finish Line was designed to provide these students the opportunity to earn that remaining credit and learn about college. Held on the campus of Highline College, students work with instructors to complete missing work. They also take College 101 to learn about career pathways, college registration, support services, and financial aid. This project was started in 2018 with a grant from the Silver Family Foundation and continues to be funded by Highline Schools Foundation.
College Visits and Career Exploration
Highline Schools Foundation funds college and career exploration trips for students to campuses and businesses where they often find inspiration to maintain strong academics to graduate and pursue a bright future. We have over 50 community partners including University of Washington, Renton Technical College, Port of Seattle, Microsoft, CHI Franciscan and many others.Â