Share your time and talents with the Highline Schools Foundation!
The support of committed families and teachers, business owners and community members is what makes it possible for us to successfully fulfill our mission. You can get involved by volunteering to work a fundraising event or serve on a committee to help plan future programs for the Foundation.
We are excited about the work we are doing and would be honored to have you join us!

The Foundation is able to manage all of our programs and events because of the volunteer support we receive from our community. We have a number of annual and year-round volunteer opportunities, including all of our fundraising events, during program events like Project PROMise and our Back to School Fairs, or you can even organize a supplies or food drive to benefit the Foundation. Complete the Volunteer Signup form (link below) to get started!
Would you like to get involved in planning events and programs with the Highline Schools Foundation? We have several committees that community members are welcome to join. Our committees are focused on planning events, implementing programming, fundraising/development, and marketing. We welcome community members to help us in our work. Learn more about the different committees currently meeting here.
Each year, Highline Schools Foundation accepts nominations for outstanding teachers, staff, administrators, volunteers and alumnus. We look to the community to nominate district employees who have had an impact on you, your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends. Nominations are accepted in January and early February of each year. Awards are made in mid-March and celebrated at the Gold Star Fundraising Breakfast in April.